Recall ur school days..

Its always good to recall sweet memories with friends..

Have u ever had fun like this?

I hope u recalled ur early days!!
Comments pls....
You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person who you cannot live without
You'll never know how deep love goes till it's time to say goodbye...
True love is when you're still dancing, long after the music has stopped....
If I could have a rose for every time I thought of you, The world would be empty of them :)
Always be happy.. Happy Valentines Day in advance..
Comments pls...
Gift ur lovers and make them feel happy...
Let ur heart be filled with ur lovers feelings :) But don feel more.. he he he
The speech of someone in love bores everyone except the loved one..
Love never fails... True love stories never have endings..
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place..
At last.. "… if you love somebody, tell them"..